I am currently the GNU/Linux sysadmin of a small company who runs mainly Ubuntu installations for almost all the machines, including servers and workstations. Since the first day I got here I already found so many problems related to Ubuntu OS, so I decided to move the server infrastructure to Debian GNU/Linux starting from FTP server.
We were running vsftpd 2.3.5-3 which doesn't allow the users to have write access to their root directory unless
is specified. But in order to do so, we need to get a patched version(2.3.5-10 or above) available through Cyconet
It is pretty simple to install, we add the repos, install the new version, allow writeable chroot, and restart the server:
We were running vsftpd 2.3.5-3 which doesn't allow the users to have write access to their root directory unless
is specified. But in order to do so, we need to get a patched version(2.3.5-10 or above) available through Cyconet
It is pretty simple to install, we add the repos, install the new version, allow writeable chroot, and restart the server:
echo "deb http://ftp.cyconet.org/debian wheezy-updates main non-free contrib" >> \
/etc/apt/sources.list.d/wheezy-updates.cyconet.list; \
aptitude update; aptitude install -t wheezy-updates debian-cyconet-archive-keyring vsftpd && \
echo "allow_writeable_chroot=YES" >> /etc/vsftpd.conf && /etc/init.d/vsftpd restart